PIZZICA FESTIVAL AT IDROSCALO IN MILAN. This year, tarantate nights move to Idroscalo, at Mood Live Milano. Three days of southern music, typical Mediterranean dinners and courses to learn how to dance pizzica with the direction of the Laura and Alessia dei Briganti dance troupe. 05/09/2024: Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino and dances and entertainment with the Laura and Alessia dei Briganti dance troupe 06/09/2024: Alla bua + Briganti with dances and entertainment with the Laura and Alessia dei Briganti dance troupe from Milan 07/09/2024: Eugenio Bennato and Tremulaterra with dances and entertainment with the Laura and Alessia dei Briganti dance troupe from Milan. From 4 to 6 pm, pizzica courses with Laura and Alessia dei Briganti